Auckland Eats Bucket List
At the beginning of 2017 I decided to set up a bucket list of incredible sounding restaurants and cafes I wanted to visit around Auckland. I've only made a small dent in the list so far but I can't wait to try the rest of these places soon. If you have any extra recommendations or know of any major ones I've missed feel free to comment them down below.
Restaurants/Dinner Places:
Ostro- Baduzzi
AmanoCafe HanoiXuxu Dumplings- Beirut
- Cassia
- Clooney
- The French Cafe
Hugo's Bistro- Huami
- Coco's Cantina
- Kiss Kiss
AzabuBlue Breeze Inn
Cafes/Breakfast + Lunch Places:
- Bluebells Cakery
Crave- Major Sprout
Winona ForeverBambina- Orphan's Kitchen
Monday's- Bowl & Arrow
Kokako- Between
- Custom Lane
Good Day- Cereal Killa
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